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Improve Your Optimal Health with Workplace Ergonomics

Written By Salud Chiropractic on September 7, 2020

rsz workplaceposture3While you may think your office chair is comfortable, your furniture and lifestyle habits can cause serious damage to your musculoskeletal system. With the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) stating that 34% of all musculoskeletal disorders are caused by misaligned workplace ergonomics – your posture may need a change. 

Are you looking for a way to improve your posture in the office? Workplace ergonomics help you achieve optimal health and energy levels while you’re in the office.

Adopting Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace ergonomics is the practice of identifying risk factors and arranging office furniture, systems, and devices to minimize injury. The goal is not only to decrease risk but also to create a safe and comfortable work environment. By combining design and health, you can improve your posture and overall health by:

  • Adjusting chair and desk height
  • Placing computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse at the right level
  • Maintaining a neutral posture and working in the comfort zone
  • Reducing repetitive positions and force
  • Taking part in movements and stretching habits

It’s important to realize that one ergonomic plan doesn’t exist, and you need to consider your individual needs with design. This includes your weight, height, strength, and occupation.

Benefits of Workplace Ergonomics 

Adopting workplace ergonomics in your office not only improves your work posture, but it also helps you achieve optimal health and energy levels. Other benefits include:

  • Increase work productivity: Minimizes exertion levels
  • Decreases neck and back pain: Improves pain and lessens work injuries by 54%
  • Improves heart health: Reduces habits that are harmful to your heart with sit-stand desks
  • Boosts energy and mood: Lessens fatigue and anxiety levels by increasing movement

Within the work environment, workplace ergonomics boost productivity and help employees function at optimal levels throughout the day.

Improving Posture in Rohnert Park

Chiropractic helps supplement workplace ergonomics and improve your posture at the office. If you’re still experiencing fatigue from standing or sitting all day, Dr. Angelica Farrell, D.C. will combine spinal manipulations with massage therapy to help you achieve optimal health and boost your energy levels.

To boost your energy and health, schedule an appointment today at Salud Chiropractic.

Posted In: Chiropractic Workplace Ergonomics